Celler brunnenbau gmbh provides excellent know-how, game-changing well logistics, and innovative solutions in the areas of ground exploration, well construction and environmental engineering. Get an overview of the expertise from Celle via the following itemized services:
Logistics mean competence
Quite often drilling has to be carried out at locations or under outside conditions which make it appear almost impossible to do using tenable means. Such locations can be impassable steep slopes, wet impassable lowlands, deep marshlands, heavily frequented waterways (rivers, or canals), shallow marine areas, deep building excavations or overbuilt drill sites. For more than 30 years, our drilling experts have been successfully competing against problems and the elements and causing surprises in apparently hopeless situations with exceptional solutions and efficient action.
Logistics are passion
For the media a wonder; for many participants a triumph of uncompromising determination: Even before the foundation of celler brunnenbau gmbh, master well builder Wilfried Wietfeldt had actively assisted with search and supply drilling in the spectacular rescue of 24 miners in all following the legendary mining disaster at the Lengede iron ore mine. Even today unabated commitment is a distinguishing feature of the spirit and proficiency of our employees when coping with the most difficult drilling assignments.
Logistics mean know-how
No obstacle without a solution– celler brunnenbau gmbh experts and special equipment exhibit exceptional abilities exactly where others capitulate. On steep slopes and in the most confined building excavations, on heavily frequented waterways and strong tidal seas, in the utilization of special drilling and transportation machinery for marshy grounds and other impassable terrains as well as environmentally compatible and noise-reduced technology for the protection of endangered habitats or buildings. Even in the most unusual situations, outstanding specialized knowledge facilitates the development of exactly fitting solutions from pontoons and platforms to marsh sleds to helicopter deployment. This is what our partners around the world rely upon.